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Re: 512M RAM support

At 06:52 AM 6/17/2002, Allen Briggs wrote:
On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 12:11:19AM -0700, Matt Thomas wrote:
> It's not that simple.  In fact, a bunch of changes need to made.
> I'll try to get that committed sometime this week.  I have those
> changes done for 1.5.

I assume these are changes to allow the kernel to occupy and use
more than 256MB, correct?  I'd like to see your changes posted here
as a diff before they're committed.  I expect that there are both
platform-specific and generic powerpc parts to the changes.  Is
this correct?

No platform specific stuff is needed.  Just a few extra defines and
changes to trap_subr.S (I've avoided trap_subr_mp.S since that really
should be merged into trap_subr.S).  mpc6xx/pmap.c already has the
requisite code to initialize KERNEL2_SR.

Index: include/mpc6xx/vmparam.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/powerpc/include/mpc6xx/vmparam.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 vmparam.h
--- include/mpc6xx/vmparam.h    2001/06/06 17:36:03     1.1
+++ include/mpc6xx/vmparam.h    2002/06/25 18:52:27
@@ -106,25 +106,29 @@
 #if 0
- * Move the SR# to the top 4 bits to make the lower 19bits entirely random
+ * Move the SR# to the top 4 bits to make the lower 20 bits entirely random
  * so to give better PTE distribution.
#define VSID_MAKE(sr, hash) (((sr) << (ADDR_SR_SHFT-4))|((hash) & 0xfffff))
 #define        VSID_TO_SR(vsid)        (((vsid) >> (ADDR_SR_SHFT-4)) & 0xF)
 #define        VSID_TO_HASH(vsid)      ((vsid) & 0xfffff)
+#define        VSID_SR_INCREMENT       0x00100000
 #define        VSID_MAKE(sr, hash)     ((sr) | (((hash) & 0xfffff) << 4))
 #define        VSID_TO_SR(vsid)        ((vsid) & 0xF)
 #define        VSID_TO_HASH(vsid)      (((vsid) >> 4) & 0xfffff)
+#define        VSID_SR_INCREMENT       0x00000001

  * Fixed segments
-#define        USER_SR                 13
-#define        KERNEL_SR               14
+#define        USER_SR                 (KERNEL_SR-1)
+#define        KERNEL_SR               (KERNEL2_SR-1)
+#define        KERNEL2_SR              14
 #define        KERNEL_VSIDBITS         0xfffff
 #define        EMPTY_SEGMENT           VSID_MAKE(0, KERNEL_VSIDBITS)
 #define        USER_ADDR               ((void *)(USER_SR << ADDR_SR_SHFT))

@@ -144,7 +148,7 @@
 #define        VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS      ((vaddr_t) 0x7ffff000)
 #define        VM_MAX_ADDRESS          VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS
 #define        VM_PHYSSEG_MAX          16
Index: powerpc/trap_subr.S
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/trap_subr.S,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 trap_subr.S
--- powerpc/trap_subr.S 2002/05/02 16:47:49     1.21
+++ powerpc/trap_subr.S 2002/06/25 18:52:28
@@ -672,6 +672,8 @@
        mtsr    USER_SR,3;                                              \
        lwz     3,PM_KERNELSR(2);                                       \
        mtsr    KERNEL_SR,3;                                            \
+       lwz     3,PM_KERNEL2SR(2);                                      \
+       mtsr    KERNEL2_SR,3;                                           \
        CPU601_KERN_LEAVE(2,3);                                         \
 1:     mfsprg  2,1;                    /* restore cr */                \
        mtcr    2;                                                      \
@@ -712,6 +714,9 @@
        lis     31,KERNEL_SEGMENT@h
        ori     31,31,KERNEL_SEGMENT@l
        mtsr    KERNEL_SR,31
+       lis     31,KERNEL2_SEGMENT@h
+       ori     31,31,KERNEL2_SEGMENT@l
+       mtsr    KERNEL2_SR,31
 /* Obliterate SRs so BAT spills work correctly */
        lis     31,EMPTY_SEGMENT@h
@@ -885,6 +890,9 @@
        lis     3,(KERNEL_SEGMENT|SR_SUKEY|SR_PRKEY)@h;                 \
        ori     3,3,(KERNEL_SEGMENT|SR_SUKEY|SR_PRKEY)@l;               \
        mtsr    KERNEL_SR,3;                                            \
+       lis     3,(KERNEL2_SEGMENT|SR_SUKEY|SR_PRKEY)@h;                \
+       ori     3,3,(KERNEL2_SEGMENT|SR_SUKEY|SR_PRKEY)@l;              \
+       mtsr    KERNEL2_SR,3;                                           \
 99:    mfmsr   5;                                                      \
        ori     5,5,(PSL_IR|PSL_DR|PSL_RI);                             \
        mtmsr   5;                                                      \
@@ -940,6 +948,8 @@
        mtsr    7,4                     /* Restore SR7 */
        lwz     4,PM_KERNELSR(3)
        mtsr    KERNEL_SR,4             /* Restore kernel SR */
+       lwz     4,PM_KERNEL2SR(3)
+       mtsr    KERNEL2_SR,4            /* Restore kernel SR2 */
        lis     3,_C_LABEL(astpending)@ha /* Test AST pending */
        lwz     4,_C_LABEL(astpending)@l(3)

Matt Thomas               Internet:   matt%3am-software.com@localhost
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:    http://www.3am-software.com/bio/matt/
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message

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