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Re: Premature Compatibility Question

> Anybody happen to know which ultra-wide SCSI adaptor is most likely to be
> NetBSD-compatible?  I assume if the card comes with an Open Firmware driver
> there is a chance.
> Adaptec 2940UW  (not up for the 2940U2W)
> Initio Miles/INI-9100UW
> MacGurus Jackhammer

Off-hand, I'd say that the 2940UW is the best bet.  I know that they
have a mac version of the card that should have OpenFirmware drivers,
and it should be only a matter of time before the native driver can be
working.  I'm using a 2940UW in a PC, and it's rockin' so far with
NetBSD 1.3.


              Allen Briggs - end killing - briggs%macbsd.com@localhost

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