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Empty bootargs ....


I've been trying to run the NetBSD kernel without using the boot.ppc
loader (for me it is just easier :-).  In doing this, I wasn't passing
any bootargs (oops).  Any way, I noticed the following:

o       In autoconf.c:setroot() there is an unsafe loop:

          for (cp = bootpath + strlen(bootpath); --cp >= bootpath;) {


          for (cp = bootpath + strlen(bootpath) + 1; --cp >= bootpath;) {

o       The size argument (r7?) should probably be passed into
        the function machdep.c:initppc().  That function in turn
        doing some sort of sanity check.

        (I've now hacked my local version to obtain the value from
        elsewhere but that isn't relevant).



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