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Re: Building a macppc bootable USB image

On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 07:40:55 +0100, Martin Husemann wrote:

> > For entertainment value I tried creating a standard MBR type 12 msdos
> > partition on a USB stick, and copying ofwboot.xcf and a kernel onto it
> > but it also did not boot (I didn't expect it to be that simple :)
> I would expect that to work but needing a more complex boot command
> specifying partition numbers.  Can you show the boot command you
> tried and the fdisk output for the stick you created?

It doesn't need them for booting off of an MBR-only hdd.  My mini has
boot-device set to hd:,\ofwboot.elf where hd is the usual alias for
the primary disk, and that disk is MBR-only with a FAT32 (11, boot)
and a NetBSD (169) partitions.

But then apple's ofw is effed up in unique artisanal ways every step
of the way, so nothing would really surprise me :)


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