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Re: macppc discord

On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 19:37, Mouse <mouse%rodents-montreal.org@localhost> wrote:
> >> [...macppc...discord...]
> > I'd encourage you to create a matrix room instead.  I and I expect
> > many other NetBSD users would avoida proprietary centralized chat
> > platform.
> I sure would.  I'd also avoid anything as complex as discord appears to
> be - for example, I tried to add XMPP support to my chat client and
> have stalled because of all the complexity.  It feels like
> second-system effect applied to IRC.  What little I've found about
> matrix makes it look way too complex as well.
> Recently, I've started hanging out in #netbsd on irc.oftc.net.  It's
> been pretty dead; I'd love for it to wake up - or to hear about a more
> active NetBSD IRC channel.  (I'm using Maus there, because someone else
> scooped Mouse already.)

For IRC you might want to try #netbsd (and maybe #pkgsrc) on
libera.chat - there is a bridge through to matrix, so people with
different preferences on appropriate levels of technological
convolution can still communicate :-p


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