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4400/200: success!

Okay, with the keyboard connected via wires stuck into the connectors,
cmd-option-O-F got me into OF.  I fumbled around for quite a while,
unable to figure out how to name the disk drive, until I finally in
desperation opened the box in case I'd left the disk disconnected or
some such.

Turned out I'd reconnected the 40-pin data cable - but not power.


With that fixed, it booted from ata/ata-disk@0:,\ofwboot.xcf very
nicely.  Well, almost; it did print "bad partition number, using 0" but
it then proceeded to successfully boot the system I left on that disk
back in...well, dumpfs on / says "Mon Mar  9 02:14:31 2009".

But I now have a working macppc machine again!  I just need to find
that battery holder so I don't need to reset everything every time I
leave it powered off for more than a few moments.

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