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Re: MP problems?


I have some good news on this:

> Is it starting to swap? I ran into issues like that with too many
> cc1plus instances ( as in, building clang with less than 1GB per
> compiler instance ), and rustc is an infamous memory pig.

First this: nope.  10M swap is used, and doesn't vary.

rustc mostly appears to be in the 250M - 400M virtual size range
which in this day and age isn't excessive.  Well, I should not
have spoken so soon -- it looks like one of them grows to 8-900M,
and on 32-bit ARM I've seen one of the processes expand up to
nearly 1.7G, challenging the max user-land VM space on that port.

However, what I neglected to tell (and remember) was that I still
had 9.1 user-land installed, after the earlier instaibility I
experienced when upgrading the kernel.  I've now installed the
matching 9.99.88 user-land, and the wip/rust build is now
progressing as normal with MAKE_JOBS set to 2, and has arrived
at the LLVM build stage.


- Håvard

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