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Installing 8.1 on a Beige G3


I've been fighting with my beige G3 for a few days now, trying to install NetBSD 8.1. I've been following the INSTALL notes and the Fabrice Delambre post and after some config tweaking I got the thing to netboot. In the post it said that I should go with the install and expect segfaults after installing sets, having devices created etc, but for some reason I can't get past the disk formatting stage. Right after running the install, sysinst detects the IDE disk as wd0, but after that I get some device timeout readings and "soft errors" corrected. I don't change anything in the geometry, just going with the defaults and then when sysinst runs disklabel, it stops after a while throwing this error: "disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: Label magic number or checksum is wrong!". Exiting that segfaults sysinst and returns to the (now broken) shell. I tried doing some manual partitioning with pdisk and every time I run it, I get errors about the BSD disklabel not existing (fair enough), bad data in some block on a disk and sometimes even a downpour of "read failed" errors. Any partitioning work doesn't seem to have any effect. All of that pretty much screams hardware issue, but the thing is, I can't find the cause. I swapped disks - same. I imaged the OG disk on another machine - no problems there. I booted into MacOS 9 still installed on the OG disk and dumped some stuff on it just to test read&write - no problems there as well.

So yeah, I definitely need some help with this thing and the installation.
Is there something I'm missing or I forgot to check it?

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