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Re: dual CPU system hangs

On 09/16/13 20:25, Christian Groessler wrote:
On 09/16/13 20:15, Christos Zoulas wrote:

Could be, but what kind? Bad memory? Does not seem like it...
IIRC when you define DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC/LOCKDEBUG you cannot reproduce the
problem right?

I didn't define DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC/LOCKDEBUG, I just added a hardcoded
'#define FULL'
in kern_mutex.c.

Two full compiles went through fine. The one hang I've reported could
be a different
proglem with the gem0.

I'm now rebuilding a 3rd time...

This one hangs again. :-(

ps output:

1000  9276 29782     0  85  0  4832  1968 pause  S+   ttyp0 0:00.15
screen -r (screen-4.0.3)
1000 29782 10286     0  85  0  3700  2904 wait   Is   ttyp0 0:00.20
/usr/pkg/bin/bash -login
1000   377    39     0  85  0  3696  2904 wait   Is   ttyp1 0:00.04
1000   400 29287     0  85  0  4016  2124 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.09
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000   419   377  7222  84  0  4444  1812 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.09 sh
./build.sh -D /local/netbsd-src/dest -O /local/netbsd-src/obj -j 4 -R
1000   451 26811 33355  77  0 16692  6968 xchicv D+   ttyp1 0:00.04
-quiet -I. -I
1000  1697  2188 30194  78  0  4440  1528 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000  1778 29860 33355  77  0  4016  1496 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01
/usr/local/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-gcc -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall
1000  2188   419     0  85  0  4016  2140 select I+   ttyp1 0:33.94
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake -j 4 release
1000  4123  6141 30180  78  0  4404  1468 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01
/bin/sh -c ( cd cp; printf '.PATH:
/local/netbsd-src/src/bin/cp\\n.CURDIR:= /local
1000  4222 18887 33325  77  0  4440  1524 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000  5333  1778 33355  77  0 20904 15372 xchicv D+   ttyp1 0:00.51
-quiet -I. -I
1000  6141 24847 30180  78  0  4016  2232 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.05
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake AWK SMALLPROG SMALLPROG_INET6 -f
ramdiskbin.mk ramdisk
1000  6274 19349 33355  77  0  5040  2728 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.21
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000  6921 13541 13477  82  0  4016  1836 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.02
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000  7285 26387     0  85  0  4016  1880 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.03
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000  7917 18887 33325  77  0  4440  1524 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.00 sh
1000 13541 23006 33325  77  0  4440  1528 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000 17720 22413 33331  77  0  4440  1472 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.00 sh
1000 18887 17720     0  85  0  4016  1896 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.04
1000 19349  6921 33325  77  0  4440  1528 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000 20735 26991 31106  78  0  4056  1984 xchicv D+   ttyp1 0:00.03
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake -f- CRUNCHEDPROG DBG LDSTATIC cp.ro
1000 22413  1697     0  85  0  5040  2356 select I+   ttyp1 0:02.86
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ DISTRIBUTION_DONE release
1000 22493  6274 33355  77  0  4440  1480 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.00 sh
1000 23006  7917 13477  82  0  4016  1848 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.02
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000 24847   400 27271  79  0  4440  1476 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000 26387 28607 33325  77  0  4440  1528 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000 26811 22493 33355  77  0  4016  1496 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01
/usr/local/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-gcc -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wall
1000 26991  4123 30180  78  0  4404  1056 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.00
/bin/sh -c ( cd cp; printf '.PATH:
/local/netbsd-src/src/bin/cp\\n.CURDIR:= /local
1000 28607  4222     0  85  0  4016  1880 select I+   ttyp1 0:00.03
/usr/local/tools/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_ all
1000 29287  7285 33325  77  0  4440  1528 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000 29860  6274 33355  77  0  4440  1480 wait   I+   ttyp1 0:00.01 sh
1000  2109    39     0  85  0  3680  2848 wait   Ss   ttyp2 0:00.12
1000 21917  2109     0  43  0  4404  1344 -      O+   ttyp2 0:00.00 ps -l

db{0}> ps/n
PID      PPID     PGRP        UID S   FLAGS LWPS          COMMAND WAIT
20451   20451    26836          0 2  0x4000    1        disklabel biowait
6279     6279      574         12 2  0x4100    1           pickup kqueue
20851   20851    26836          0 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
20735   20735      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake xchicv
26991   26991      419       1000 2       0    1               sh wait
4123     4123      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
451       451      419       1000 2  0x4000    1              cc1 xchicv
26811   26811      419       1000 2  0x4000    1 powerpc--netbsd- wait
22493   22493      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
5333     5333      419       1000 2  0x4000    1              cc1 xchicv
1778     1778      419       1000 2  0x4000    1 powerpc--netbsd- wait
29860   29860      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
6141     6141      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake wait
24847   24847      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
400       400      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
29287   29287      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
7285     7285      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
26387   26387      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
6274     6274      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
19349   19349      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
6921     6921      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
13541   13541      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
28607   28607      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
4222     4222      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
23006   23006      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
7917     7917      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
18887   18887      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
17720   17720      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
8593     8593    26836          0 2  0x4100    1         postdrop netio
13838   13838    26836          0 2  0x4000    1         sendmail pipe_rd
4020     4020    26836          0 2  0x4000    1              tee pipe_rd
15817   15817    26836          0 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
26836   26836    26836          0 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
27542   27542      603          0 2       0    1             cron pipe_rd
22413   22413      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
9276     9276     9276       1000 2  0x4100    1     screen-4.0.3 pause
29782   29782    29782       1000 2  0x4000    1             bash wait
10286   10286    10286       1000 2  0x4000    1            xterm select
28087   28087      589          0 2  0x4100    1             rshd select
1697     1697      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
2188     2188      419       1000 2  0x4000    1           nbmake select
2109     2109     2109       1000 2  0x4000    1             bash ttyraw
419       419      419       1000 2  0x4000    1               sh wait
377       377      377       1000 2  0x4000    1             bash wait
39         39       39       1000 2   0x101    1     screen-4.0.3 select
620       620      574         12 2  0x4100    1             qmgr kqueue
618       618        1          0 2  0x4000    1            getty ttyraw
607       607      607          0 2  0x4000    1            getty ttyraw
566       566      566          0 2  0x4000    1            getty ttyraw
600       600      600          0 2  0x4000    1            getty ttyraw
594       594      594          0 2  0x4000    1            getty ttyraw
603       603      603          0 2       0    1             cron nanoslp
589       589      589          0 2       0    1            inetd kqueue
574       574      574          0 2  0x4100    1           master kqueue
348       348      348          0 2       0    1             sshd select
346       346      346          0 2       0    1            timed select
339       339      339          0 2       0    1           powerd kqueue
276       276      276          0 2       0    1              lpd select
176       176      176          0 2       0    1          rpcbind select
165       165      165          0 2   0x100    1          syslogd kqueue
1           1        1          0 2  0x4001    1             init wait
0          -1        0          0 2 0x20002   48 system       *

db{0}> ps/l
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
20451    1 3   0         0           41ed0680          disklabel biowait
6279     1 3   0        80           438c0580             pickup kqueue
20851    1 3   0        80           438c0b00                 sh wait
20735    1 3   1         0           432357a0             nbmake xchicv
26991    1 3   1        80           432354e0                 sh wait
4123     1 3   1        80           4232c380                 sh wait
451      1 3   1         0           4f57d960                cc1 xchicv
26811    1 3   0        80           4232c0c0   powerpc--netbsd- wait
22493    1 3   0        80           4058d6e0                 sh wait
5333     1 3   0         0           41d24c20                cc1 xchicv
1778     1 3   0        80           4280f8c0   powerpc--netbsd- wait
29860    1 3   0        80           43235220                 sh wait
6141     1 3   1        80           48541cc0             nbmake wait
24847    1 3   1        80           4280f080                 sh wait
400      1 3   0        80           43235d20             nbmake select
29287    1 3   1        80           406c9400                 sh wait
7285     1 3   0        80           41ed03c0             nbmake select
26387    1 3   1        80           41ed0c00                 sh wait
6274     1 3   0        80           4232cbc0             nbmake select
19349    1 3   0        80           4058d9a0                 sh wait
6921     1 3   0        80           43780020             nbmake select
13541    1 3   0        80           4280f340                 sh wait
28607    1 3   0        80           4f57dc20             nbmake select
4222     1 3   1        80           406c9c40                 sh wait
23006    1 3   0        80           49751700             nbmake select
7917     1 3   0        80           4f7f9100                 sh wait
18887    1 3   0        80           438c0000             nbmake select
17720    1 3   0        80           48df1460                 sh wait
8593     1 3   0        80           4f385140           postdrop netio
13838    1 3   0        80           406c9140           sendmail pipe_rd
4020     1 3   0        80           406c9980                tee pipe_rd
15817    1 3   0        80           43021040                 sh wait
26836    1 3   0        80           48df11a0                 sh wait
27542    1 3   0        80           4058d160               cron pipe_rd
22413    1 3   0        80           45185780             nbmake select
9276     1 3   1        80           48541740       screen-4.0.3 pause
29782    1 3   0        80           48df1720               bash wait
10286    1 3   1        80           4264bba0              xterm select
28087    1 3   1        80           4280f600               rshd select
1697     1 3   1        80           484ee4a0                 sh wait
2188     1 3   0        80           48541480             nbmake select
2109     1 3   0        80           45185a40               bash ttyraw
419      1 3   1        80           484ee760                 sh wait
377      1 3   1        80           4ecd3c60               bash wait
39       1 3   1        80           4f385400       screen-4.0.3 select
620      1 3   0        80           484eea20               qmgr kqueue
618      1 3   1        80           484eece0              getty ttyraw
607      1 3   0        80           48541a00              getty ttyraw
566      1 3   0        80           49751180              getty ttyraw
600      1 3   0        80           4f57d6a0              getty ttyraw
594      1 3   1        80           4f7f93c0              getty ttyraw
603      1 3   0        80           48df1ca0               cron nanoslp
589      1 3   0        80           485411c0              inetd kqueue
574      1 3   0        80           48df19e0             master kqueue
348      1 3   1        80           49751440               sshd select
346      1 3   1        80           49751c80              timed select
339      1 3   0        80           497519c0             powerd kqueue
276      1 3   0        80           4f385c40                lpd select
176      1 3   1        80           4f57d120            rpcbind select
165      1 3   0        80           4f3856c0            syslogd kqueue
1        1 3   1        80           4f8643a0               init wait
0       61 3   1       200           4ecd3160              nfsio nfsiod
0       60 3   1       200           4ecd3420              nfsio nfsiod
0       59 3   1       200           4ecd36e0              nfsio nfsiod
0       58 3   1       200           4ecd39a0              nfsio nfsiod
0       57 3   1       200           4f385980            physiod physiod
0       56 3   0       200           4f7f9680           aiodoned aiodoned
0       55 3   0       200           4f9170a0            ioflush syncer
0       54 3   0       200           4f7f9940           pgdaemon pgdaemon
0       51 3   1       200           4f8650c0          swwreboot swwreboot
0       50 3   0       200           4f865380               usb0 usbevt
0       49 3   0       200           4f865640               usb4 usbevt
0       48 3   0       200           4f865900               usb3 usbevt
0       47 3   0       200           4f865bc0               usb2 usbevt
0       46 3   0       200           4f7f9c00               usb1 usbevt
0       44 3   1       200           4f8640e0          atapibus0 sccomp
0       41 3   1       200           4f864be0              unpgc unpgc
0       40 3   1       200           4f864920        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0       39 3   0       200           4f864660            dbcool0 dbcool0
0       30 3   0       200           4f917360            atabus2 atapoll
0       29 3   1       200           4f917620            atabus1 atath
0       28 3   0       200           4f9178e0            atabus0 atath
0       27 3   0       200           4f917ba0               iic1 iicintr
0       26 3   0       200           4f975080                pmu wait
0       25 3   1       200           4f975340         usbtask-dr usbtsk
0       24 3   1       200           4f975600         usbtask-hc usbtsk
0       23 3   0       200           4f9758c0             sysmon smtaskq
0       22 3   0       200           4f975b80               iic0 iicintr
0       21 3   1       200           4f982060            xcall/1 xcall
0       20 1   1       200           4f982320          softser/1
0       19 1   1       200           4f9825e0          softclk/1
0       18 1   1       200           4f9828a0          softbio/1
0       17 1   1       200           4f982b60          softnet/1
0    >  16 7   1       201           4f9c0040             idle/1
0       15 3   0       200           4f9c0300         pmfsuspend pmfsuspend
0       14 3   1       200           4f9c05c0           pmfevent pmfevent
0       13 3   0       200           4f9c0880         sopendfree sopendfr
0       12 3   0       200           4f9c0b40           nfssilly nfssilly
0       11 3   0       200           4fb3b020            cachegc cachegc
0       10 3   1       200           4fb3b2e0              vrele vrele
0        9 3   0       200           4fb3b5a0             vdrain vdrain
0        8 3   0       200           4fb3b860          modunload mod_unld
0        7 3   0       200           4fb3bb20            xcall/0 xcall
0        6 1   0       200           4fb3f000          softser/0
0        5 1   0       200           4fb3f2c0          softclk/0
0        4 1   0       200           4fb3f580          softbio/0
0        3 1   0       200           4fb3f840          softnet/0
0    >   2 7   0       201           4fb3fb00             idle/0
0        1 3   0       200             4fb980            swapper uvm

db{0}> trace/t 0t20735
trace: pid 20735 lid 1 at 0x102c3d50
0x102c3db0: at cpu_switchto+0x30
0x102c3dc0: at mi_switch+0x17c
0x102c3e00: at sleepq_block+0xb4
0x102c3e20: at cv_wait+0xa8
0x102c3e40: at xc_unicast+0x168
0x102c3e70: at pcu_load+0x7c
0x102c3e90: at trap+0x7a4
0x102c3f20: user FPU trap by 0x1804494: srr1=0xd032
            r1=0xffffbd40 cr=0x88000024 xer=0 ctr=0xfdf344b8

db{0}> trace/t 0t451
trace: pid 451 lid 1 at 0x102ffd60
0x102ffdc0: at cpu_switchto+0x30
0x102ffdd0: at mi_switch+0x17c
0x102ffe10: at sleepq_block+0xb4
0x102ffe30: at cv_wait+0xa8
0x102ffe50: at xc_wait+0x94
0x102ffe70: at pcu_load+0x80
0x102ffe90: at trap+0x7a4
0x102fff20: user FPU trap by 0x18dbc08: srr1=0xd032
            r1=0xffffcb90 cr=0x44000024 xer=0 ctr=0x18c18a8

db{0}> trace/t 0t5333
trace: pid 5333 lid 1 at 0x10377d50
0x10377db0: at cpu_switchto+0x30
0x10377dc0: at mi_switch+0x17c
0x10377e00: at sleepq_block+0xb4
0x10377e20: at cv_wait+0xa8
0x10377e40: at xc_unicast+0x168
0x10377e70: at pcu_load+0x7c
0x10377e90: at trap+0x7a4
0x10377f20: user FPU trap by 0x18dbc08: srr1=0xd032
            r1=0xffffca40 cr=0x44000044 xer=0 ctr=0x1a9b560


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