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Re: 5.1 kernel without firewire

Please don't use paragraph-length lines!  I've manually wrapped them in
my quotes below.

> [...] the machine won't boot after installation, panicing in fwohci
> init (fwohci: kernel MCHK trap)
> This machine has a broken firewire so this might be expected.  The
> install kernel boots fine.

> Could someone put a 5.1 kernel without firewire online, or suggest a
> workaround ?

I have a (non-Mac) laptop with a similar problem under 4.0.1.  I dealt
with it by booting with -c and doing "disable fwohci" at the userconf
prompt.  (Of course, just about the first thing I did after booting
that way was to build a kernel without firewire.)

This assumes macppc has a way to boot that's semantically equivalent to
i386's (the port my laptop uses) "boot -c".  If not, about all I have
to suggest is to cross-build a kernel on another machine.

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