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Speculation about panics?


I have a 7600-type machine with a 500 MHz G3, 250 MHz L2 cache, 1 gig of memory, and an Acard PCI card from which it boots. Other similar machines have run for ages without problems. This particular machine has been rebooting once or twice a day for the past two days since it was set up with:
panic: call to null-ptr from 0x0
Begin traceback...
0xd5f0be00: at trap0+0x18
0xd5f0be10: at 0xfffffffc
0x3bf4d9c8: at cred0+0
0x3e534bb0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b82cf30
0x3bff77e8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de14118
0x3bf4dbb8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b8d6d50
0x3e5349c0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b82d120
0x3bff7db8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de13f28
0x3e534da0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b8d7320
0x3e5343f0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de14308
0x3618f400: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de13958
0x3618fbc0: at _prop_array_pool+0x35a6e968
0x3e534200: at _prop_array_pool+0x35a6f128
0x3eede5d8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de13768
0x3618f7e0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7bdb40
0x3e5345e0: at _prop_array_pool+0x35a6ed48
0x3618f210: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de13b48
0x3e534010: at _prop_array_pool+0x35a6e778
0x3618f020: at _prop_array_pool+0x3de13578
0x3bf4dda8: at _prop_array_pool+0x35a6e588
0x3eede9b8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b82d310
0x3bf4d7d8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7bdf20
0x3eede1f8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3b82cd40
0x3eede3e8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7bd760
0x3fc629b0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7bd950
0x3eede7c8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541f18
0x3fc62ba0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7bdd30
0x3eedeba8: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f542108
0x3fc621f0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7be110
0x3fc62000: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541758
0x3eeded98: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541568
0x3fc625d0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3e7be300
0x3fc627c0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541b38
0x3fc623e0: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541d28
0x3fc62d90: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f541948
0x006c5a90: at _prop_array_pool+0x3f5422f8
End traceback...
dumpsys: TBD

I'm not using motherboard ethernet, video, or SCSI, and it's netbsd-5 from a few days ago. Does anyone know what might possibly cause "panic: call to null-ptr from 0x0"?
John Klos

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