Subject: RE: Restore CD 2.0-1 may still have issue for some install *** Feedbackplease ***
To: 'Andreas Schaefer' <>
From: David Albert <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 06/19/2005 08:41:26
A new install CD would be fantastic...
I think these are the instructions for building one:

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Andreas Schaefer
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: Restore CD 2.0-1 may still have issue for some install ***
Feedbackplease ***

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On
> Behalf Of Izumi Tsutsui
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:42 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Restore CD 2.0-1 may still have issue for some install ***
> Feedbackplease ***
> In article <>
> wrote:
> > scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
> > wd0 at atabus0 drive 0INTRF
> > panic: siop_intr: I shouldn't be there !
> > Stopped at      0x801b5808:     jr      ra
> >                  bdslot: nop
> It's known problem, try this patch:

(Sorry for this long reply)

Concerning the scsibus0 problem i came around this issue in 
a very special way.

After trying Restore CD 2.0.1 with no luck i set up a virtual 
machine using vmware.

It runs NetBSD 2.0-CURRENT as of May 14 2005.

Within this vmware i did a cross compile for the port coablt 
with success. It took only two and a half hours. (On a raq 
doing this it takes more than 48 hours). Finally i had a cross 
compiled cobalt 2.0-CURRENT kernel, base.tgz, man.tgz, ...

Never did this before and it was fairly straight and easy.

After this i copied over the restore cd into a subdir of the 
vmware machine. 

Setting up dhcp and nfs-server to allow a netboot of the 
raq from the vmware machine and replacing the original 
kernel files and packages (base.tgz, man.tgz, ...) of the 
restore cd tree with the cross compiled version of May 14.

So a netbooting raq is getting the install dir of the restore 
cd as it's NFS-root. After netbooting the raq every thing went 
fine. No scsi problem and a CURRENT kernel and world. ;-)

There was also another issue with kernel messages 
"pmap_unwire: wiring ... " related to paging that was gone 
with the version -CURRENT of May 14.

If someone is interrested in the vmware machine it is 1.2 GB 
in size as a compressed rar. Send me a mail and i can give a 
link to it to download.
With a trial key of vmware 4.5 workstation this should be no problem.

Somewhere on the web there was a guide how to make your 
own restore cd. Maybe i can make a "new" restore cd from the 
tree of the vmware files that contain 2.0-CURRENT as of May 14.
Anybody interessted in?


> ---
> Izumi Tsutsui

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