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Re: Wrong LCD resolution on RPI

On 18/11/22 14:00, Robert Swindells wrote:
How is the LCD panel connected to the RPi?

I didn't know the name of the connection thingy. I bought the screen a few years ago and I haven't used that RPI for a long time.

[goes and looks at reference pictures on wikipedia]

There is a super flat grey ribbon cable connected to the DSI connecter at one end of the PI near the µSD card marked "DISPLAY". The LCD display itself seems to be the one listed here (https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/display/7-inch-display-product-brief.pdf).

The PI, LCD and frame are all bolted together, and I'm not going to dismantle them looking for all the silkscreening. I can clearly see (well, as clearly as I can see anything at my age) a raspberry pi logo on the LCD board, so it must be the official display.

As I mentioned in my second email, I have found the config.txt settings that I need.

Maybe this erratic info dump will help someone else in the future.


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