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Re: Building media player for RPI4 : which one to focus on?

On Aug 14, 2022, at 6:32 AM, Mayuresh <mayuresh%acm.org@localhost> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 03:11:10PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
>> So far I was using Raspbian. Using any player other than either omx or vlc
>> (CPU usage is very less when these two run) the CPU used to get heated up
>> for videos of 1080p played for over a few minutes, resulting in
>> thermometer symbol appearing. I do not have a heatsink or a fan.
> BTW, on NetBSD, for pkgsrc builds, if I use MAKE_JOBS=4 I run into over
> heating, indicated by dmesg messages. But with MAKE_JOBS=3 and load
> average around 3 for extended periods of time I haven't faced the heating
> issue.
> So I wonder why I used to face it so often on Raspbian when viewing
> videos with non accelerated players that were using single CPU. Can high
> rate of transfer to video memory cause heating?

I use Kodi via LibreElec on my RPi4 for viewing videos.  I believe it uses the hardware-accelerated features of the SoC when playing videos.  Even though I have heatsinks on it (including one on the USB controller) I still occasionally get problems with overheating.

Maybe you are just expecting the Raspberry Pi to be engineered better than it is?



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