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Re: 2021-06-20-netbsd-raspi-aarch64.img

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 10:23:58AM +0900, Jun Ebihara wrote:
> I've updated 2021-06-20-netbsd-raspi-aarch64.img.gz for RPI4.

Hi Jun.

It's great to see these mailers and the milestones reached and the
systematic announcements of the same.

Just that, I always have difficulty in finding the last announced image!

Could these mailers be indexed from
https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/ so that most recent
image is always easy to locate.

As of now which one could I trey for RPI4 8G and look up information about
what works and what not, binary packages available etc.


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