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ssdfb(4) on spi(4) on rpi0w

Does anyone here have experience with using ssdfb(4) via 4-wire spi(4) on a Raspberry Pi?  I got a 256x64 OLED display with an SSD1322 controller off AliExpress (as should be no surprise it comes with no documentation, and barely a pinout diagram).  I'm a bit clueless as to how to write a custom dts overlay for it to be able to use it with ssdfb(4) (and in particular how to set the d/c pin).

There are a bunch of examples in the ssdfb(4) manpage but I don't know what to make of the specific values for reg, dc-gpio, etc., nor can I relate them to the flags mentioned in the manpage.

$ uname -vp
NetBSD 9.99.97 (RPI) #0: Wed May 25 15:52:25 UTC 2022  mkrepro%mkrepro.NetBSD.org@localhost:/usr/src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/RPI earmv6hf


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