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Re: netbsd-9 on RPI3
Greg Troxel <gdt%lexort.com@localhost> writes:
> Long ago, I had trouble updating along netbsd-9. The new kernel failed
> to boot, and I am now returning to this.
> I looked through my saved messages, and can't find it, but I dimly
> remember that there was some change in some config file in /boot that
> was needed to adapt to new firmware, or maybe new firmware for new
> kernel.
I can say with 100% certainty that the
${FAVORITE_RELEASE_BASE}/evbarm/binary/gzimg/rpi.img.gz works from a 9.x
build works just fine on RPI3, RPI2 and RPI0. I run several RPI systems
on 9.x.
What I have usually done when updating an existing system is update the
kernel7.img or kernel.img file with the new kernel I want to try and try
booting up the system. If it doesn't boot correctly or probably at all
THEN I replace all of /boot on the system with the /boot from that
mentioned rpi.img.gz file.
I also run serial consoles pretty much everywhere, and this means the
edits for cmdline.txt are done (the root=ld0a line) again if /boot is
replaced. Obviously if you have a custom kernel, you replace
kernel7.img or kernel.img as well. Very often that will be enough
unless you happen to have a RPI that speed shifts the serial port when
the CPU speed changes. Then I use force_turbo=1 in /boot/config.txt as
I have not ever found a overlay that lets the RPI use the real UART for
the console and not the miniuart (and disabling bluetooth along the way,
probably). You could also comment out the lines that perform the CPU
speed shifting that are usually in /etc/rc.local and/or lock the RPI on
the slowest CPU speed (I believe). This might only be a problem in
-current, however... I don't remember at this point and just deal with
it if it happens (the PR for this problem is still open).
Brad Spencer - brad%anduin.eldar.org@localhost - KC8VKS - http://anduin.eldar.org
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