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Network issues on BeagleBone Black


I'm having some network issues on my BeagleBone Black (A5C) running
NetBSD 9.2.  I've been trying to track down the problem for a bit but
have to say I'm at a loss.  I'm beginning to suspect it might be a bug,
but of course it could just be me ;-)

The setup is as follows: the BeagleBone Black is running the armv7.img
NetBSD 9.2 image which I downloaded last friday, the other computer is
a ThinkPad T400 running NetBSD 9.1.  To isolate the problem I've
connected both of these (and nothing else) to a HUB.

The BBB's ifconfig.cpsw0 contains " up" and the TP's
ifconfig.wm0 contains " up".  No other network

Running tcpdump on both and pinging the TP from the BBB I see ARP
requests coming in on the TP and also its replies, but tcpdump on the
BBB doesn't show the replies, only the requests.

The HUB and cables should be fine, at least the same thing works with
another computer instead of the BBB.

Any ideas for what could cause this and what to try would be much


Malte Dehling
<mdehling at gmail.com>

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