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Re: HOWTO: USB boot on 8 GB RPi4 with no SD card

On Jul 27, 2020, at 6:06 PM, Michael Cheponis <michael.cheponis%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

The SD card is a nasty reliability issue with the RPi.  Now, it's possible to do away with the SD card entirely.  Thanks to Paul Mather for doing this first.

To be fair, I don't believe I did this first.  Mark Millard, for one, posted a good write-up.  I believe I may have been the first to report booting NetBSD successfully on the RPi4 8 GB model without needing an SD card present.

Disclaimer aside, thank you for your write-up.  I'm sure it will help a lot of people.

One advantage of being able to boot a USB MSD directly is that updates to /boot need only be done in one place. :-)



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