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Re: Predictable CPU discovery

On 2020/07/04 2:27, Ryo Shimizu wrote:

I initially overlooked the timing of the vindexsize update. Thanks Jared for pointing that out.

Alternatively, other ports use uvm_page_recolor(9) when secondary
CPUs are attached:


For aarch64, something like the attached patch makes sense? (Sorry,
compile-test only since I don't have big.LITTLE processors...)

I've tested it and it seems to be fine.
I tried to force recolor on BigCluster by returning a dummy (larger) vindexsize,
but it seemed to work.

One more point.

     if (uvm.page_init_done)
        uvm_page_recolor(vindexsize / PAGE_SIZE);

It may be better to use.



Thank you for confirmation!


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