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Re: RPI3 sd lockups?

Greg Troxel <gdt%lexort.com@localhost> writes:

> I have a few RPI3s, all running netbsd-8.  Two have been entirely
> stable, one on a UPS and one not.  One, not on a UPS, has over the last
> month or two started having odd lockups.  The symptom is
>   logging messages that the sd card cannot be written, but not medium
>   error.  Looks like controller out to lunch.  I don't have the text -
>   it doesn't get writtten.
>   weewx ends up with multiple copies
>   kernel accepts writes to files, but the blocks don't make it out
>   on inspection, the sd card is fine
> On my todo list is updating to netbsd-9.  Besides that, I wonder if
> anybody has wisdom in terms of:
>   - smells like power supply issue
>   - smells like hardware failure
>   - known netbsd-8 issue
>   - smells like SD card issue anyway
> ?

Can you break into ddb and see if there are a lot of processes hung up??
I have a RPI2 that doesn't like to have more than 1 device on its I2C
bus, it turns out, and if one of the devices hangs on read eventually
the system will hang up completely, probably due to filling up memory
and/or the process table (one of the devices is read every minute).  I
noted complaints much like you mention, where it could not write to the
SD card if I let it go on long enough in this situation.  This is with
NetBSD 9.x.

Brad Spencer - brad%anduin.eldar.org@localhost - KC8VKS - http://anduin.eldar.org

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