From: Andrew Doran <>
Subject: Re: 202006111230Z: startx failed on pinebook pro
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 21:51:17 +0000
startx failed on aarch64,pinebook pro.
failed: NetBSD-9.99.65-aarch64-202006111230Z-install.img
good: NetBSD-9.99.64-evbarm-aarch64/202005250620Z.iso
stopped with the cursor on left-top position.
and can't initialize X screen.
so backout to 202005250620Z,X works again.
I think this is related to the jemalloc/pthread bug (see: ctfmerge stuck on
CPU). Surprisingly the X server is now threaded.
thanx for comment,
still failed on NetBSD-9.99.67-aarch64-202006151210Z-install.img.
on pinebook/pinebook pro.