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ctfmerge stuck on CPU

I'm testing very recent -current on RPi4. Tried using pkgsrc, but the
following command causes ctfmerge to spin on CPU in what looks like
infinite loop. Not sure if this is specific to ARM port. Any ideas?

#      link  cwrappers-20180325/imake-wrapper
gcc   -L/opt/netbsd_build/objects/pkgtools/cwrappers/work/libnbcompat -Wl,-R/opt/pkg/lib  -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel     -o imake-wrapper  alloc.o cleanup-cc.o common.o reorder-cc.o generic-transform-cc.o normalise-cc.o imake-wrapper.o  -Wl,-rpath-link,/lib  -L=/lib -lnbcompat    
ctfmerge -t -g -L VERSION -o imake-wrapper alloc.o cleanup-cc.o common.o reorder-cc.o generic-transform-cc.o normalise-cc.o imake-wrapper.o

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