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Re: NetBSD/aarch64 on 8 GB Raspberry Pi 4B?

On Jun 9, 2020, at 5:49 PM, John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:

> Good news - a HEAD / latest image with the RPi UEFI 1.14 boots on both an older 4 gig RPI4 and on a new 8 gig RPi4 when limited to 3 gigs.
> https://www.klos.com/~john/rpi4_3gig_4gig_dmesg
> https://www.klos.com/~john/rpi4_3gig_8gig_dmesg
> Not so good news - after using the menu to disable the 3 gig limit, the kernel hangs:
> https://www.klos.com/~john/rpi_boot_failure.jpg

I was successfully able to use the RPi UEFI 1.14 firmware release to boot a Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB model when disabling the 3 GB limit.  I was also able to reboot successfully (several times) after initial booting.

I did not use the HEAD/latest image because it seemed to point to an older release (from 3rd June).  Your NetBSD identifies as "NetBSD 9.99.64 (GENERIC64) #0: Wed Jun  3 07:06:18 UTC 2020" whereas mine is later: "NetBSD 9.99.65 (GENERIC64) #0: Mon Jun  8 22:52:09 UTC 2020".

Maybe a later image might work for you, too?



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