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NetBSD-9.0 on RPi3 - buggy network interface initialization on boot

There seem to be some bugs when initializing network interface on boot.
This seems to be related to whether I have a USB device plugged in
(like keyboard) or not.

If I have a USB keyboard plugged in, network interface seems to be
initialized correctly on boot. When it prints "Waiting for DAD to
complete for statically configured addresses" there is a pause for a
few seconds and there are no kernel messages being printed in green.

Now if I unplug USB keyboard, quite often network interface fails to
initialize correctly and no IP address is assigned. I also notice that
when it prints "Waiting for DAD to complete for statically configured
addresses" there is no pause at all and there are also kernel green
messages intermingled with the rest. See the photo I uploaded:


This seems like a race condition somewhere in the initialization
sequence. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyone noticed it before?

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