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Re: DS1307 on NetBSD 9 RPI2 and RPI3

Jason Thorpe <thorpej%me.com@localhost> writes:

>> On Apr 23, 2020, at 5:59 PM, Brad Spencer <brad%anduin.eldar.org@localhost> wrote:
>> That was for a RPI2, for the RPI3, I did the proper thing and used
>> brcm,bcm2837 .. these strings seem to be mostly located in
>> src/sys/external/gpl2/dts/dist/arch/arm ..  you compile this with
>> something like "dtc -I dts -O dtb -o ds3231_rpi3.dtbo ds3231_rpi3.dts"
>> and place the dtbo file in /boot/overlays.  For the RPI the config.txt
>> file will need a line with something like "dtoverlay=ds3231_rpi3.dtbo"
> If you want, you can put your .dts overlay source files in the same directory as your kernel config file, and then add this to the kernel config file:
> makeoptions     DTS_OVERLAYDIR="${THISARM}/conf"
> makeoptions     DTS_OVERLAYS="
>         ds3231_rpi3.dts
> "
> (You can have multiple overlays here.)
> Anyway, that will cause them to get built automatically at the same time as your kernel.
> -- thorpej

Interesting... I suppose that DTS_OVERLAYDIR could also point to some
global location outside of the conf directory where it might contain
overlays for all manor of devices (that is, they need not be tied to any
particular NetBSD source tree)...  something like /usr/pkg/dts/overlays
or /usr/local/dts/overlays...

Brad Spencer - brad%anduin.eldar.org@localhost - KC8VKS - http://anduin.eldar.org

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