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Re: banana-pi-m3 netbsd-9 how to


On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 09:27:34PM -0300, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
> Can someone please point me on how to make NetBSD-armv7hf boot
> on a banana-pi-m3???  I follow the instruction on: 
> https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/install_using_sysinst
> but the the machine does not boot. The computer is ok, as an img from
> the banana-pi ubuntu loads and runs.
> I download the armv7.img.gz image from:
> https://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/netbsd-9/latest/evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/armv7.img.gz
> On an netbsd81 i386 machine I build the sysutils/u-boot-bananapi-m3
> using pkgsrc-2019Q1
> than unpack the image with the command gzip -d armv7.img.gz
> than I wrote the image on the chip:
> dd if=armv7.img of=/dev/rsd0d bs=1m conv=sync
> If the chip is inserted on a raspberry pi 3, it boots and works as
> expected. Than insert the sunxi uboot into the image with:
> dd if=/usr/pkg/share/u-boot/banana-pi-m3/sunxi-with-spl.bin \
> 	of=/dev/rsd0d bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync
> in the site, it says rld0d but I assumed it was a typo...

Probably a typo, yes - the device depends on your setup, but the
devices in the two "dd" commands should be the same.

> it reports 370 blocks
> the site says that netbsd-9 does not needs any ajustment
> but the system does not boot.
> Anty ideas???
> thanks for any help

Nothing obvious comes to mind, I think it should work the way you did
it.  However, you can download an image where u-boot is already
injected from https://www.invisible.ca/arm/ .  You only need to dd
that image to your card and boot that on your Banana Pi.


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