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Re: Non-bootstrapping Go, COMPAT options

On 30.12.2017 23:28, John Klos wrote:
> It seems that Go's inability to be built without using preexisting
> binaries is now an issue for evbarm. For a while now many evbarm kernels
> have had COMPAT_60 and newer, but nothing older. It seems, then, that Go
> can't be used:
> anath# pwd
> /usr/pkgsrc/lang/go14/work/go/pkg/tool/netbsd_arm
> anath# file go_bootstrap
> go_bootstrap: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (NetBSD),
> statically linked, for NetBSD 5.99, with debug_info, not stripped
> anath# ./go_bootstrap
> Abort
> Is there no better way to bootstrap Go?
> John
There is need to use patches from:


There is no functional support in upstream golang for NetBSD/evbarm.

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