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Re: autoconf build fail, only on Odroid-c1+


On 14 March 2017 at 19:07,  <manlyphall%manlymail.net@localhost> wrote:
> Is there anything out of the ordinary required to coax autoconf to build
> on the Odroid-c1+?
> Stable 7.0.2 and 2016Q4
> I've been using the precompiled u-boot linked to on the evbarm
> hardkernel wiki, as opposed to compiling my own.
> I've tried completely fresh and I always get an error stating that sed
> can find a file during configure.
> Its very strange. Other packages build fine. But I am a little limited
> without autoconf.
> Any thoughts?

We're about to enter the freeze leading up to the 2017Q1 release, I
would suggest fetching the latest current archive & trying that. If
issue persists file a bug with the error produced from an affected
package. Hopefully this will ensure the problem is resolved for you in
the next stable release.


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