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Re: Having trouble bilding src tools on NetBSD-5.2 for arm platform -- any ideas?

In article <201612270854.uBR8sTP5006413%lothlorien.nfbcal.org@localhost>,
Brian Buhrow  <buhrow%nfbcal.org@localhost> wrote:
>	hello.  Actually, what I'm doing is cross building netbsd-current on a
>NetBSD-5.2 system.  Since NetBSD is cross buildable on hosts other than
>NetBSD, it should be supported on older versions of NetBSD as well, even if
>the host versions themselves aren't maintained.  In any case, I'm making
>good progress toard a complete build.  I think I've got the right fix, and
>when the build completes, I'll post another message and propose the
>committed change, which should allow this building to work on hosts other
>than NetBSD-7 or netBSD-6.

Sounds good.


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