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Re: (Power-) alternative to the Raspi 3
On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 14:05:23 +0000 (GMT)
Robert Swindells <rjs%fdy2.co.uk@localhost> wrote:
> Christian Baer <christian.baer%uni-dortmund.de@localhost> wrote:
> >This is not exactly a NetBSD question but people have been talking
> >about hardware on this list too.
> >
> >I'm looking for an alternative for a Raspi 3, which may have a little
> >more CPU power, but doesn't have to. Going fanless is actually more
> >important to me. The following stuff would be really great though:
> >
> >- - real ethernet 1GB Network (not connected via USB2)
> >- - SATA-port (bootable and not connected via USB2)
> >- - more RAM - not connected via USB2 :-)
> >- - USB3 would be a great addition, but isn't a requirement.
> Cubietruck ? Doesn't have USB3 but does have the rest.
> Some of the Orange/Banana boards may have SATA too.
Or Tegra / Jetson TK1. Comes with PCIe as a bonus, but does need a fan
and is rather expensive. Not 500EUR expensive but not exactly in the RPi
range either.
have fun
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