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Re: testers wanted -- hardware RNG driver patches

   Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 11:28:46 +0000
   From: Nick Hudson <skrll%netbsd.org@localhost>

   rpi (bcm2835) and beaglebone (am335x) were fine, but with tegra I get

   jetsontk1# dd if=/dev/random of=/tmp/out count=1024
   Kernel RNG "819 3 0" long run test FAILURE: Run of 27 1s found
   cprng 819 3 0: failed statistical RNG test
   Kernel RNG "819 3 0" long run test FAILURE: Run of 26 0s found
   cprng 819 3 0: failed statistical RNG test
   0+1024 records in
   32+0 records out
   16384 bytes transferred in 0.388 secs (42226 bytes/sec)

That's OK -- although we don't have the expected frequency of those
warnings documented, by their nature they do happen from time to time,
and they are only about the AES-CTR_DRBG stream which I'm not really
worried about, not about the hardware RNG device's output itself which
is what I'm interested in for these patches.

Want to commit?

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