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NetBSD on Raspberry Pi 3


I have NetBSD 7 running on a Raspberry Pi 2 server and I was under the impression the Raspberry Pi 3 is also supported.

At least the wiki on https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/ mentions that "All board variants are supported.".

I tried the 7.0.2 ARM image as well as the 201611292120Z nightly build of current- and noticed that both do not work.

Both images reach the "rainbow screen" which means the card is read and some firmware loaded but the kernel is bad.

Both also have the little squares in the top-right corner which also means power problems.

Now, I know power is not a problem as I have a Linux image working and a larger charger specifically for the Pi 3.

I see this thread on port-arm from June ( http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-arm/2016/06/16/msg003829.html ) that mentions a small patch that fixes some voltage issues in src/sys/arch/arm/broadcom/bcm2835_bsc.c:

> It disables the driver for the i2c interface that, on rpi3, is used by the firmware for testing voltage (among other things).

The top-right corner square I see might indicate that patch is still not part of 7.0.2 or current-.

So, should current- NetBSD images work on the Pi 3?

Are there any plans on making a stable 7(.0).X release that supports the Pi 3?

Is there a minimal set of patches that I should apply on top of 7.0.2 to have Pi 3 running?


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