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Re: cheap 8-core ARM board

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:07:47AM +0100, Christian Baer wrote:
> On 11/21/16 09:30, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > FYI gotronic has a good deal on pcduino-8 boards 
> > http://www.gotronic.fr/art-carte-pcduino8-uno-22720.htm It has a
> > AllWinner H8 CPU (8-Core Cortex-A7 @ 2.0GHz) and 1GB RAM and is
> > cheaper than a RPI3.
> Doesn't look too bad. However, I think the 1GB of RAM is kinda tight.
> For some reason, the amount of CPU cores is growing but RAM isn't
> (much anyway). With 8 cores, 2 or eben 4GB of RAM would be really
> nice. Then it would be a real PC drop-in.
> What I am still hoping for is a MIPS based board that can compete
> against a RasbPI 2 or 3 - just to be exotic. :-) I know there is a
> MIPS board out there, but it is quite slow in comparison.

Well, one of the faster MIPS systems I'm currently running are the
Ubiquity Networks Edgerouter Lite 3 (Erlite3 for short). Dual core
500 MHz MIPS64, 512 MB RAM, 3x GBit, Cisco style serial console
connector, OS on internal USB stick (so trivially replaced). No
graphics of course, so not a workstation replacement. Works splendidly
with mainline Linux as router & gateway, experiments with NetBSD showed
_severe_ breakage, unfortunately.

Kind regards,
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
 looks like work."                                      -- Thomas A. Edison

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