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NetBSD 7 on the BeagleBone

Debian is the official distribution of the BeagleBone. To “install”
Debian on the MicroSD card of the BeagleBone it is as simple as
burning one of the images available on the MicroSD card using for
example a Linux PC and then inserting the card on the BB.

BeagleBone is officially supported by NetBSD 7, however it is not
clear to me what is the procedure to put NetBSD on the MicroSD card of
the BeagleBone.

While there are instructions for some ARM boards (for example,
Technologic Systems TS-7200) in the installation instructions ([1]), I
could not find BeagleBone specific instructions. Also I am not sure
what is the most appropriate image (there are a number of evbarm
images). I did find with Google some instructions though they are for
old versions of NetBSD.

Any guidance will be appreciated.

[1] ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-7.0.1/evbarm-earmv6hf/INSTALL.html#Supported%20devices%20%28Technologic%20Systems%20TS-7200%29

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