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Raspberry PI B and 2B - USB host issues

Hi all,

Under heavy USB load, both the Raspberry Pi model B and 2B panic:

Non-emulated page fault with intr_depth > 0
Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (P)'
trapframe: 0x80695c98
FSR=00000017, FAR=0000003a, spsr=80070113
r0 =9edb3808, r1 =9edb3b34, r2 =00000001, r3 =9ef96b84
r4 =9ef96ac4, r5 =9ed17a00, r6 =00000000, r7 =9edb3808
r8 =9ed15f34, r9 =9ef96a88, r10=9edb3b34, r11=80695d2c
r12=80695d30, ssp=80695ce8, slr=801f04a0, pc =801ef698

This happens when mounting WRKOBJDIR over NFS during compilation, for example, and correlates with low throughput for USB peripherals and Ethernet (with lots of repetitive debug messages).
Using a USB DAC triggers it consistently when switching tracks while playing music.

I know there is a known problem in that area from the Wiki page, just wondering whether there is any known progress, or whether I can help investigate.

It is worth raising an issue on GNATS?


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