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Re: booting BeagleBoneGreen

On Tue, 12 Jan 2016, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 08:41:47PM -0600, John D. Baker wrote:

> > Updating motd.
> > postfix: rebuilding /etc/mail/aliases (missing /etc/mail/aliases.db)
> > [board resets]
> I guess it could be the watchdog firing up.
> You can boot single user and type
> wdogctl
> to see if NetBSD detects a running watchdog.
> You can also try adding
> wdogctl=YES wdogctl_flags="-d"
> in /etc/rc.conf

I updated to HEAD and opted for the second suggestion as it seemed less
disruptive to the u-boot arrangement (I'm not quite ready to poke it
that hard).  The result was:

init path (default /sbin/init): 
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
Tue Jan 12 10:19:20 CST 2016
Starting watchdog timer.
No watchdog timer running.
Not checking /: fs_passno = 0 in /etc/fstab
Starting file system checks:
random_seed: /var/db/entropy-file: Not present
Setting tty flags.
WARNING: module error: vfs load failed for `wsdisplay', error 2
WARNING: module error: vfs load failed for `wsdisplay', error 2
WARNING: module error: vfs load failed for `wsdisplay', error 2
WARNING: module error: vfs load failed for `wsdisplay', error 2
Setting sysctl variables:
ddb.onpanic: 1 -> 0
Starting network.
Hostname: bbg0.technoskunk.fur
IPv6 mode: host
Configuring network interfaces: cpsw0.
Adding interface aliases:.
add net default: gateway ossian.technoskunk.fur
Waiting for DAD completion for statically configured addresses...
Building databases: dev
[board resets]

Another interesting thing in the dmesg was:

sdmmc0: couldn't supply bus power
sdmmc0: couldn't enable card: 22

I changed hosts since the last time, so perhaps the power management IC
thinks it doesn't have enough power.  The stock linux operates properly,
however.  For some reason, the ethernet PHY wasn't initialized properly
on power-up and it couldn't see the network until I pressed the RESET

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com    OpenBSD            FreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
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