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Re: Switching off properly a Raspberry Pi running NetBSD


I can confirm that the RPi halts just fine when I use "shutdown -hp
now" (thanks, Zoran) but also when I use "shutdown -h now", that has
the very same effect: RPi halts (because there is no software power
management, so it's impossible to actually software power off) and the
last two lines displayed are: "The operating system has halted. Please
press any key to reboot". Zoran, I don't think that calling shutdown
with both -p and -h flags acts any different than when just providing
the -p flag: to try and poweroff, anyway the system has to halt

And the reboot actually works fine if I press any key (I am using a
serial console).

This is with a RPi model B+ and the image: NetBSD 7.0_RC1
(RPI.201507072130Z). Sorry for having started this thread a bit
wrongfully, but at least until recently I have observed with Jun
Ebihara's images that shutdown -h would always reboot the Pi.


On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 1:35 AM, Timo Buhrmester <fstd.lkml%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> Okay, as the call stack in the image already indicated (``ukbd''), this is caused by the presence of a USB/PS2 keyboard/mouse interface.  Apparently something goes wrong when attempting to read from the keyboard (for the purposes of rebooting the system after a keypress).
> When unplugging it, the raspi halts just fine.

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