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Re: Ongoing vi issues under NetBSD-7 on the RPi ....

On 04/04/15 19:09, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <55207640.2090005%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
On 04/04/15 16:11, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <55202F95.4090006%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
On 04/04/15 10:02, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <551FF533.7030202%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
On 04/04/15 09:06, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <551FECAC.1060701%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
.... I am having ongoing problems using vi under NetBSD-7 on my RPi. The
problems are not as severe as before (crashing my ssh login, including
the rxvt terminal window on the remote box (!!!!!)), but are irritating.
When paging down, I often get artifacts from previous text interleaved
in the program source I am viewing. A 'ctrl-l' clears everything up, but
is inconvenient & raises trust issues w/ how the combo of
vi/NetBSD-7/rxvt/FreeBSD 9.3R is working together to process text. I am
not planning any heavy developement on this box, but this is still
irritating, since I use vi on various config files, etc. I haven't
detected any problems w/ the results so far, for the record, but am
still antsy about it .... TIA & keep up the good work ....

Perhaps $TERM is not setup properly? What is it on your machine?
Xmm, can you also try a plain xterm (not that I think it could make a
difference)... Also can you describe what's going on? Is vi core-dumping?
Is it displaying the screen improperly? Are there any error messages?


Yesterday it was crashing the whole login session, see below from the
remote machine (FreeBSD 9.3R):

Apr  3 16:21:20 kabini1 kernel: pid 1211 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 16:22:19 kabini1 su: wam to root on /dev/pts/10
Apr  3 16:24:26 kabini1 kernel: pid 25376 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 16:24:47 kabini1 su: wam to root on /dev/pts/10
Apr  3 16:28:15 kabini1 kernel: pid 25547 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 16:29:03 kabini1 su: wam to root on /dev/pts/10
Apr  3 16:31:06 kabini1 kernel: pid 25785 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 16:31:30 kabini1 su: wam to root on /dev/pts/10
Apr  3 16:55:13 kabini1 kernel: pid 25973 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 17:00:19 kabini1 kernel: pid 27502 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 17:00:51 kabini1 kernel: pid 27833 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 17:04:16 kabini1 kernel: pid 27873 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 18:16:16 kabini1 kernel: pid 28081 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 18:19:01 kabini1 kernel: pid 32682 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr  3 18:19:41 kabini1 kernel: pid 32844 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11

It definitely doesn't display correctly when you either page down
(ctrl-f') or scroll down (ctrl-y), shows artifacts from the text that
was in the rxvt window before vi was invoked. That is cleared up w/
'ctrl-l', & clears up AOK. I can't locate any error messages from the
RPi, or any evidence of a vi core dump, where do I look besides my
messages file ?

But this is rxvt crashing... Not nvi? Is rxvt running locally?
Is kabini1 the FreeBSD machine?


Correct, I am logging from kabini (FreeBSD 9.3R) from a rxvt terminal
running tcsh, all current, from pkg's, not compiled by me from ports,
bla, bla, bla, i.e. supposedly std. stuff, & has been working OK for
months now w/ mildly heterogenous LAN boxen. rxvt had those crashes
(*ALL* of them) while I was vi-ing something on the RPi. I get various
graphical/text-rendering anomalies under vi in this situation. So, to
recap: *not* nvi, AFAIK, I am invoking vi explicitly as 'vi', rxvt is
the terminal window on the remote machine I am SSH-ing into the RPi
with. Any other questions, do *not* hesitate. Thanks & TIA ....
Does logging in from a different (!kabini) box work? Or trying to
login from kabini to itself using rxvt?


The FreeBSD 9.3R rxvt has been slightly dodgy, when I try to set window titles & prompts, that sometimes gives anomolies, both on kabini & when logged into remote machines. That *could* be the problem, I will try to chase that further. I will also try the !kabini login, although I use rxvt on all boxen & log into the other boxen from kabini under rxvt as well. I have only 1 monitor on my LAN, connected to kabini. I access all other boxen via SSH under rxvt/tcsh from kabini ....


	William A. Mahaffey III


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