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Re: ntpdate issue ....

In article <5520773F.6060608%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
>On 04/04/15 16:15, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>> In article <55203B5E.2080502%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
>> William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:
>>> .... I use a combination of ntpdate & adjtime to maintain time on my
>>> LAN. Here is output from my incumbent time server:
>>> [root@athloncube:/etc, Sat Apr 04, 02:21 PM] 1002 # ntpdate -q
>>> fly.hiwaay.net | awk '{printf $6 " "}'
>>> -374.785763, time [root@athloncube:/etc, Sat Apr 04, 02:21 PM] 1002 #
>>> uname -a
>>> Linux athloncube #1 SMP Wed Nov 23 13:07:52
>>> UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>> [root@athloncube:/etc, Sat Apr 04, 02:23 PM] 1003 #
>>> & from my RPi, hopefully soon to replace the incumbent:
>>> rpi # date
>>> Sat Apr  4 14:30:17 UTC 2015
>>> rpi # ntpdate -q fly.hiwaay.net | awk '{printf $6 " "}'
>>> 17326.729876, time rpi #
>>> rpi # date
>>> Sat Apr  4 14:30:31 UTC 2015
>>> rpi # uname -a
>>> NetBSD rpi 7.0_BETA NetBSD 7.0_BETA (RPI.201503272230Z) evbarm
>>> rpi #
>>> i.e. the value provided by ntpdate on the RPi looks wrong to me. The
>>> -375-ish sec. value from the incumbent is correct.  Please advise & do
>>> not hesitate to ask for any more info req'd. TIA & keep up the good work.
>> Why don't you run ntpd?
>> christos
>I like my LAN boxen to reflect time slightly fast, i.e. slightly ahead 
>of local time (just like I have all my clocks set), so I munge around w/ 
>ntpdate & adjtime to effect that. I do in fact run ntpd, as a server for 
>the rest of the LAN, serving up my locally adjusted (slightly fast) 
>time. I have been doing this w/ the incumbent LAN-time server for 
>several years now w/ no issues, although that box has gotten a bit 
>unreliable lately, hence my interest in moving to a newer box for 
>LAN-time service.

This is the first time I hear anyone wanting their boxes to have the wrong
time :-) Nevertheless you should do that using a custom timezone instead,
so you can avoid the chicanery with adjtime(2).


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