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Re: Observations on LG_NAS, mvgbe0 issue?


(2013/07/02 20:45), Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
Hi Robert,

On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 12:29:36PM +0100, Robert Swindells wrote:
Could you try setting ipginttx to 0 ?

While setting this i am tarring a directory full of big files on the NAS's NFS
share creating the disc activity:

nas# sysctl -w hw.mvgbe.mvgbe0.ipginttx=0
hw.mvgbe.mvgbe0.ipginttx: 768 -> 0
nas# iostat -w 1
       tty              wd0             CPU
  tin tout  KB/t  t/s  MB/s  us ni sy in id
    0    1 26.18    3 0.084   2  0  1  0 97
    0   76 35.97  303 10.64   2  0 29 63  6
    0   28 36.55  336 12.01   0  0 33 67  0
    0   21 38.89  315 11.97   0  0 29 71  0
    0   34 30.48  372 11.07   2  0 26 65  7
    0   22 16.55  706 11.40   0  0 30 69  2
    0   23 35.69  337 11.75   0  0 30 69  1
    0   25 36.07  321 11.32   0  0 31 64  5
    0   22 34.42  352 11.82   0  0 29 71  0
    0   30 34.87  337 11.47   0  0 36 62  2
nas# sysctl -w hw.mvgbe.mvgbe0.ipginttx=2048
hw.mvgbe.mvgbe0.ipginttx: 0 -> 2048
nas# iostat -w1
       tty              wd0             CPU
  tin tout  KB/t  t/s  MB/s  us ni sy in id
    0    1 26.20    3 0.084   2  0  1  0 97
    0  100 34.95  378 12.90   0  0 27 71  2
    0   27 33.57  328 10.75   1  0 29 55 15
    0   36 20.73  578 11.70   0  0 30 66  4
    0   36 16.73  752 12.30   0  0 45 53  2
    0   26 16.27  773 12.28   0  0 38 62  0
    0   24 16.22  747 11.83   0  0 27 72  1
    0   38 16.25  768 12.18   0  0 37 62  1
    0   25 17.59  601 10.33   0  0 27 51 21
    0   44 32.35  179 5.662   0  0 13 27 60
    0   44 33.60  178 5.848   0  0 13 37 50
    0   44 35.83  165 5.786   0  0 14 36 50
    0   34 17.75  643 11.15   0  0 22 67 11
    0   30 16.10  754 11.86   0  0 32 68  1
    0   26 19.43  497 9.430   0  0 25 50 25

As you can see, no real noticable performance gain nor losses on this setting 


 Yes, I should be. And if you change the value bigger,
the performange will go down.

 0) Could you show me the result of the following commands?

        ifconfig -v mvgbe0
        netstat -id     (don't forget 'd')

 1) And then, could you modify if_mvgbe.c and test again?

        MVGBE_TX_RING_CNT       256 -> 1024
        MVGBE_RX_RING_CNT       256 -> 1024


                SAITOH Masanobu (msaitoh%execsw.org@localhost

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