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Re: Dockstar boots - (It's fixed?)


-> > Revision 1.77 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Sun Jun 19
-> > 02:42:53 2011 UTC (22 hours, 1 minute ago) by rmind
-> > Branch: MAIN
-> > CVS Tags: HEAD
-> > Changes since 1.76: +3 -2 lines
-> > Diff to previous 1.76 (colored)
-> >
-> > - Fix a silly bug: remove umap from uobj in ubc_release() UBC_UNMAP case.
-> > - Use UBC_WANT_UNMAP() consistently.
-> >
-> > ARM (PMAP_CACHE_VIVT case) works again.
-> >
-> > I'll re-synch and build a new kernel and try again. Can you do the same?
-> I just built a kernel a few minutes ago. It boots, and it reboots.
-> This is good news.
-> I'lll keep using it to make sure everything is OK.

The latest kernel is also working for me.

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