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Re: Shark memory & video

I thought I saw somewhere ages ago that some people had gotten more than
64 megs of memory recognized on their DNARD Sharks. Is this true? If so,

Yes, I have 96 MB working, http://www.aprisoft.de/shark/ has the executive
summary of the long story.

Thank you - I now have 96 megs in my Shark.

I have about a dozen DIMMs that are 128 megs or smaller. All of the double sided ones show up as 64 megs when inserted without a second DIMM in my Shark. I tried a handful of 64-meg-recognized pairs, but I couldn't even get the Open Firmware txt. On the other hand, all of the double sided DIMMs worked with a 32 meg DIMM to give me 96 megs.

Thanks! Every little bit will help since this machine's going to be doing bulk package building.

John Klos

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