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[Fwd: NSLU2 builds and boots, but seems to disappear when running /sbin/init]

Excuse me for probably sending the same message twice, but I was having network problems last night (not related to NSLU2) and never got a confirmation that the message below ever got to port-arm.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NSLU2 builds and boots, but seems to disappear when running /sbin/init
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 18:26:19 -0500
From: Donald T Hayford <don%donhayford.com@localhost>
To: port-arm%netbsd.org@localhost

I am able to build the NSLU2 arm port, and constructed a root file system using NFS.  The first time I booted the system, I got a warning that /dev/console was missing, and then the NSLU2 stopped with the following message:

root device: npe0
dump device:
file system (default generic): nfs
root on npe0
nfs_boot: trying DHCP/BOOTP
nfs_boot: DHCP next-server:
nfs_boot: my_addr=
nfs_boot: my_mask=
nfs_boot: gateway=
root on
root time: 0x4792690f
xrtc0: xrtc_clock_read: failed to read rtc at 0x0
xrtc0: xrtc_clock_read: failed to read rtc at 0x0
WARNING: preposterous TOD clock time
WARNING: using filesystem time
warning: no /dev/console
init path (default /sbin/init):
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
[a few seconds go by]
panic: init died (signal 0, exit 12)
Stopped in pid 1.1 (init) at    netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        bx      r14
[end of text - NSLU2 is running the debugger]

Using the nbmknod command, I created dev/console using "sudo nbmknod root/dev/console c 0 0" and rebooted the system.  The NSLU2 appears to boot ok (though with the same message about failing to read the rtc), and continues through the "init path" message.  The system no longer panics and reboots, but neither does it allow me to log in.  If I ping the NSLU2 address, it responds, but I can neither ssh or telnet into the NSLU2.  If I press the power button on the front, the system powers down with the following message stream:

init path (default /sbin/init): /sbin/init
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11

[NSLU2 appears to hang at this point, but responds to a ping]
[when the power button is pressed...]

slugbutt0: power button pressed, shutting down!
boot: howto=00000808 curproc=0xc048e6e4
syncing disks... done
unmounting file systems...
unmounting / ( done
powering down...

[NSLU2 powers off].

I've checked /var/log for anything that the NSLU2 might have written there that would indicate the problem, but don't see anything.  I've used FreeBSD before, but I'm new to NetBSD, so I'm not sure where to go next.  I'm thinking that most likely I have a problem with how I set up the NFS root, and I'm going to try to set up a usb drive to use as root.  Definitely sailing some uncharted waters here (for me, anyway).

As always, any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Don

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