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RE: IDE device timeout when writing
From: Frank Wille <frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost>
Sent: viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021 18:39
> Karoly Balogh wrote:
> > There seems to be a generic issue with these CF and SD adapters under
> > various Amiga Un*xes, [...]
> I fear that it's not that easy. For me it looks more like some adapters
> work and some others don't.
Thanks for expanding the info Frank. I got the mSATA HDD sooner than expected and maybe tomorrow I will have the mSATA to IDE 44 pin adapter. If so I will be able to test if the problem persist or is it working fine.
> petro# atactl wd0 identify
I take note of the atactl command, so I can run when I finished installing the new IDE setup.
I am eager to try that new ECS/AGA enabled wsfb experimental kernel, even if it is just monochrome; this IDE issue was preventing me to do so.
Carlos Milán Figueredo | HispaMSX System Operator | http://www.hispamsx.org | telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org | https://calnus.com
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