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RE: IDE device timeout when writing

Well, I tried minirootfs from NetBSD 2.1, but after loading the kernel I get a init died and the db prompt.

I went then to minirootfs from NetBSD 7.2. I do not understand the install procedure, but after booting the kernel it found my install in wdc0 and it began booting my installed userland.

It looks like in the very same boot process it had to perform writes and got the same errors as with other kernels. So even going back there I experience the same.

I am going back to AmigaOS and prepare some serious stress testing on the hard disk so I can rule out there is a hardware problem and report back.

Thanks for the support!

From: David Brownlee <abs%netbsd.org@localhost>
Sent: martes, 12 de octubre de 2021 22:15
> If it is easy to test (and only if it's easy) it might be nice to
> confirm if you can trigger this under earlier versions of NetBSD.
> Maybe booing an appropriate miniroot and gzipping/gunzipping.

That would be fairly easy as I understand I can xstreamtodev the
miniroot to the swap partition and boot from her. However, won't that
trigger the install? Is there any way to escape to a shell without
following the install script?

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