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Re: Amiga X woes with custom graphics card driver

lukas%mntmn.com@localhost ("Lukas F. Hartmann") writes:

>If I enable the console setup part in my driver and configure GENERIC like this:

>wsdisplay0 at wsdisplay0 at wsemuldisplaydev ? console ?

That's a bit confusing, one 'wsdisplay0 at' too much?

Also, GENERIC has all the old grf/ite drivers, starting with WSCONS is easier. But
maybe you are already doing this as GENERIC has no amidisplaycc.

>This seems to correctly configure /dev/ttyE0 and the gfx card screen is cleared and a white cursor appears. The /dev/ttyE0 file can be opened and X -config ./xorg.conf starts sending ioctls and mmaps to my driver, ultimately crashing with a Bus error though.

mntva_mmap should have

        if (offset >= 0 && offset < sc->sc_memsize) {
                pa = bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_fbh, offset, prot,

and I don't understand why you map sc_memsize + 0x1000 in mntva_attach. But that probably has nothing to do
with the bus error.

You can disable the X trap handler to get a coredump using the server flag "NoTrapSignals". The corefile should tell you
what instruction (and what data address) caused the bus error.

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlelstv%serpens.de@localhost
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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