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Re: NetBSD-current on Amiga?

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, DataZap wrote:

> >   I also tried a -current kernel compiled with gcc4, but it appeared to
> > hang around the time it was trying to start /sbin/init.  I haven't pursued
> > it any further yet - and probably won't until I figure out why 4.0 has
> > problems.
> This really sucks! So, if you have an m68060 then you can expect better
> performance with a m68040? Something really needs to be done about this!

  I'm looking at it, and will hopefully figure out what the problem is and
fix it for the 4.0 release.

  I tried the -current kernel again, and found that it wasn't hung - it
was just having even more pagefaults than my 4.0_BETA kernel.  The
4.0_BETA kernel would take 3-4 seconds to run the 'w' command, and the
-current kernel was taking several minutes(!).  I just needed to be a bit
more patient :-)  [I had over 10 million faults just starting /sbin/init
and /bin/sh (actually bash), which seems a little excessive to say the

  I took a quick looks at the diffs between 3.1 and 4.0, but didn't spot
any glaring differences.  I'll need to go through them again, looking a
little closer.

  Another thing I noticed is that if I enter the ddb debugger a few times
and get a traceback, it seems to get programs started quicker.  The
problem appears to occur primarily when programs start up.


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