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Re: resume compilation?

On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 05:27:53PM +0200, Emm Vasilakis wrote:
> (PS - Is there a guide somewhere on how I can setup a cross-compiler for
> m68k to run on linux/x86?)

Nowadays? read build.sh at the top of the (NetBSD OS) source tree.
build.sh tools builds the toolchain, there are parameters to select the
target NetBSD architecture.

However, pkgsrc builds are more difficult, but at this years' EuroBSDCon
(2004.eurobsdcon.org) a paper was presented that explains how to abuse the
simulator inside gdb, plus some custom stuff, to do fairly efficient cross-
building for pkgsrc (for ARM, but also useful for other CPUs that are 
supported by gdb).

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