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Re: NetBSD 2.0 Amiga

Sergis wrote:

> I prepared correctly the hd, i dont know if correct but i dont see the
> partitions when my workbench is up but i dont found errors and hdtoolbox
> found correctly the hd prepared for the netbsd installation.
> I copy the xstreamdev and miniroot.fs to ram: 
> I open a newcli and i put this:
> xstreamtodev --input=miniroot.fs --rdb-name=swap --device=dkbscsi.device
> --unit=2
> warn: could not locate a partition with your specs
> The name of the swap partition is swap on hdtoolbox,

is it swap or SWAP ?

is the device deriver named dkbscsi.device or maybe DKBscsi.device or 
yet another variant?

Contrary to AmigaDOS file and volume names, the partition names and
especially the device driver names in AmigaOS exec.library are case


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